Learn the 5 Ways on How to Choose Accredited Degrees

Apply for degree programs that are offered from a respected, reputed, and accredited college or university. Accreditation of a degree improves credibility and employer will place more importance on your degree than an unaccredited degree. An employer can verify whether your college is regionally accredited or not. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that professional graduates earn more than diploma holders. More salary bracket is offered to a professionally accredited degree holder than a diploma holder. Accreditation boost career options and desirability in the professional field. This gives you better opportunities and gives you more chances of promotion than a graduate with a non-accredited degree. Fields that require accredited degrees are athletic training, audiology, allied Health Education programs, business, aviation, and many more.

Some career options are tried and reliable that always require trained professionals. Get those degrees that have growth potential and always need trained professionals. Those fields with a low supply of workers always help you grow faster professionally. Fast-growing occupations need accredited degrees. Following are some fields that need accredited degrees.

Nursing is a profession that needs advanced training and master’s level accredited degrees with high-level quality standards. Nurses practitioners earn approximately $103,880 annually and their career growth rate is 36%.

Physician assistants need graduate-level accredited degrees. Their career growth rate is 37% and their average salary is $104,860 annually.

Solar technology installers have a career growth rate of 105%. The average salary per year is $39,000. Multiple educational levels offer accredited degrees. 

Software development is a fast-growing field with a career growth is 31%. Their average salary per year is $101,790.

Genetic analysts and physical therapists have career growth of 29% and 28%, respectively. They need accredited degrees of bachelor’s level and master’s level.

Management analysts, financial managers, speech-language therapists, accountants, fire science professionals, mathematicians, and many other fields have promising careers. Thus, accredited degrees are necessary for a successful career.