Learn All You Need to Know About Solar Panels

The Cost of Solar Energy 

The efficiency of solar panels has been rapidly increasing, so the cost has been reduced to a greater extent. Also, the price of solar system installation has fallen by 60%, and some companies anticipate that the cost will decrease gradually in the coming years.


Besides that, the cost of solar energy depends upon your residential area because of the several rebates or incentives, and they contribute to lead the price to go down further.

Furthermore, the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is one of the primary incentives available. It can be the best option for those interested in solar energy, as it allows you to take 26 percent of the cost of installing a solar system from your federal taxes. 

Solar Energy Is A Renewable Power Source

The radiant light and heat coming from the sun are solar energy. It is an inexpensive, clean, renewable power source that is harnessed globally using a broad range of ever-evolving technologies. 

Wherever the sunlight hits the surface of the earth, that point becomes a potential location to generate solar power. And as solar energy comes from the sun, a natural source, it represents an innumerable source of power. 


Moreover, many renewable energy technologies produce electricity from countless resources. For example, it takes a lot of time to create electricity by burning gas, oil, and coal, and continuous use of these resources may lead to complete depletion. 

Using natural resources such as wind, solar, and hydropower – to produce electricity does not deplete that resource. That is what makes solar power (power of sunlight), by nature, renewable energy.