Learn How Consumers Choose Lawyers Online

As we approach the year 2021, competition among legal firms fighting for business online has never been fiercer than it is now.


Understanding why and how consumers choose one legal firm over another is crucial if your law firm advertises and markets your business online. As one of the leading law firm marketing service providers in the legal sector, we must learn as much as we can about consumer purchase behavior. As a result, we decided to undertake our second study on how Internet users select lawyers.

Participant Information for the Study

Our study included a diverse group of volunteers from throughout the country. Here is some further information:

In the United States, there were 1,040 participants, 632 of them were female (60 percent )


There were 408 men (40 percent )

18 to 20 (3 percent )

ages 21-29 (28 percent )

30 to 39 (29 percent )

40-49 years old (21 percent )

50 to 59 (14 percent )

60 and above (5 percent )

Questions for Research

Question No. 1: If you were in a car accident that was not your fault and was gravely injured, would you consider hiring a personal injury lawyer to assist you in recovering money for all of your accident’s costs?

We wanted to know what percentage of people would sue after a car accident because most clients are personal injury law firms. The vast majority of the work we do is SEO for personal injury law companies. While it’s good that 92 percent indicated they would, the remaining 8 percent stated they would not. This means that some people may need to be persuaded that bringing a lawsuit is the best option. If you are a personal injury attorney, it might be a good idea to have information on your website that directly tackles this topic.

Question 2: If you were looking for a lawyer online, which of the following would you use as your major source of information to determine which lawyer to hire?

If you’re wondering whether Google is still the finest source of prospective leads for your website in 2020, the answer is unequivocal “yes.” While most people should not be surprised by Google’s dominance, the essential thing to take away from this is the small proportion that other sources have. Bing was at 2%, and Yahoo was at 1% for the two other big search engines. Even Facebook is insignificant, with only 2% of study participants indicating it would be their key source for deciding which lawyer to hire. As the research reveals, Yelp is more than just an app that people use to find places to dine. A little more than 9% indicated Yelp would be their primary source for deciding which law firm to use. Pay close attention to your Yelp reviews (more on this later).

Question 3: Which device(s) would you most likely use to study which law firm to hire?

As we approach 2020, it should be obvious, but if it isn’t, the main lesson from this section of the study is that most visitors will view both desktop and mobile versions of your site because they will frequently research on both mobile and desktop. Seventy-seven percent will use a desktop computer to view your site, and 76 percent will use a mobile device. Do your site visitors have a positive experience on both desktop and mobile? To maximize the likelihood of visitors not leaving your site and going to a competitor’s, your site should:

Be enjoyable to use on mobile devices (rather than simply being “mobile-friendly”).

Load rapidly and utilize immediately.

Have a well-designed user interface.

Make your navigation options simple and logical so that your information is easy to find.

Take precautions (HTTPS)

Be clear of technical irritants (glitchy navigation menus, non-responsive click elements, items that interfere with navigation, etc.)

Take, for example, chat popups. Chat popups frequently disrupt the entire experience on mobile. Have you ever been on a website where chat popups block phone numbers, contact information, or mobile navigation links? This is something that users despise and can easily cause them to quit your site. Furthermore, any of the factors above can have a detrimental impact on your site’s rankings. If it’s terrible for the user experience, it’s usually negative for the ranks when it comes to Google. Load time is a prime illustration of this. Google revealed last year that the time it takes your site to load on mobile is now a ranking factor.