Learn Which Natural Sleep Aid Fits Your Needs Best

Chamomile contains apigenin, an antioxidant that might assist you in being calm. It binds to benzodiazepine brain receptors, slowing the brain and inducing sleep. While research is ongoing, there is evidence that chamomile is both beneficial and safe when it comes to improving sleep quality.



Passionflower has a stunning purple flower that blooms in semi-tropical conditions and can be found in gardens throughout the southern United States. Some people question its effectiveness as a sleep aid, and research have primarily focused on the plant’s effect on animals rather than humans.

There isn’t much proof that it helps you fall asleep. However, one clinical trial found that those who drank a cup of passionflower tea before bedtime had better sleep quality, suggesting that the tea would be an excellent alternative for those who sleep lightly or wake up frequently at night.


Magnesium is a nutrient that has several functions in the body. It, among other things, helps to maintain your immune system and maintains muscular function. There is also evidence that it influences sleep.

“It’s simply such a potent cellular healing mineral,” says Nadia Charif, RD, a registered dietitian and health adviser at Coffeeble who herself suffered from insomnia. “Taking it before bedtime initiates full-body repair.” It also gets the GI tract moving the next morning, which is a big plus.”


Lisa Richards, author of “The Candida Diet,” a nutritionist, concurs. “Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that can help the body and mind settle down before sleeping,” she explains. If you don’t want to take magnesium supplements, Richards recommends consuming magnesium-rich foods like avocados, almonds, and tofu.

Some Safety Measures

Although most over-the-counter natural sleep aids have few adverse effects, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before beginning to use one. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medicine for another chronic disease. If you do encounter side effects, discontinue use of the supplement until you can consult with a medical practitioner to determine whether it is safe to continue.

Locate the Best Solution

Seeking help for sleeping problems is not a sign of weakness or failure. If you have difficulties falling or staying asleep, or if you don’t feel refreshed when you wake up, it could be an indication of an underlying ailment, or it could simply be a reaction to an outside stimulus, such as an all-night study session or a flight across multiple time zones.

If your sleep problems appear to be permanent, schedule an appointment with your health care physician. Natural sleep aids can help you get through a hard period, but they are not meant to treat persistent conditions. If this is the case, contacting a doctor is the first step toward being able to sleep deeply and soundly again, and waking up well-rested and ready to face the day.