Learn What Causes Fibromyalgia to Flare Up

Excessive exercise

Fibromyalgia patients should only do modest, everyday workouts. Strenuous activities or over-exercising can aggravate the pain. During flare-ups, gentle stretching or short walks can be extremely beneficial.



Fibromyalgia flare-ups can be caused by viral illnesses such as the flu or a cold, as well as other diseases such as Lyme disease. In addition, some fibromyalgia patients also stated that other health disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, exacerbated their symptoms.

Injury Most cases of fibromyalgia are caused by or worsened by some physical trauma or injury. Many fibromyalgia patients have in common a head or neck injury, particularly whiplash, that precipitated the development of their symptoms.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Can Help With Fibromyalgia

Current treatment options for fibromyalgia and many other associated health issues focus on reducing particular symptoms (such as pain or exhaustion) rather than addressing the underlying cause. Individual symptoms are frequently treated with drugs; however, these medications do not address the underlying cause of the problem. In truth, drugs frequently have unfavorable side effects.

When it comes to addressing the underlying cause of fibromyalgia, one of the lesser understood areas is the role of the central nervous system. We’ve already mentioned that people with fibromyalgia experience pain differently than healthy people. Upper cervical chiropractors address pain signaling malfunctions by determining where these signals may be affected. This is most common in the upper area of the neck, where the brainstem serves as a conduit for impulses moving to and from the body and brain.


When the atlas or axis vertebrae, located near the brainstem, misalign, it can cause discomfort and pressure, impairing the body’s capacity to send and receive pain processing signals correctly.

We evaluate the upper cervical spine at Source Chiropractic and Wellness to position the atlas vertebra. We hope to reestablish proper communication between the brain and body by realigning the upper cervical vertebrae. To provide fibromyalgia pain relief, we use specific diagnostic imaging and other tests to determine the nature of each patient’s misalignment to fractions of a degree.

The modifications we provide are intended to be exceedingly precise. As a result, many fibromyalgia patients can benefit from natural, long-lasting fibromyalgia pain alleviation thanks to our individualized adjustments.