Learn 7 Easy Fixes for Snoring

Avoid consuming alcohol.

Alcohol and sedatives lower the resting tone of the muscles at the back of your throat, increasing the likelihood that you may snore. “Drinking alcohol four to five hours before sleeping exacerbates snoring,” explains Chokroverty. “Alcohol causes people who don’t ordinarily snore to snore.”


Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene.

Poor sleep habits (also known as poor sleep “hygiene”), according to Slaughter, can have an effect equivalent to drinking alcohol. Working long hours without enough sleep, for example, means you’re exhausted when you finally get to bed. “You sleep hard and deep, and the muscles flap, resulting in snoring,” Slaughter explains.

Extend the Nasal Passages.

Keeping your nasal passages open may assist if your snoring begins in your nose. According to Slaughter, air can travel more slowly through the system. “Consider a slender garden hose with water flowing through it. The faster the water pours through the hose, the narrower it is.”

Your nasal passageways function similarly. If your nose is clogged or restricted due to a cold or other obstruction, the fast-moving air is more likely to cause snoring.

According to Slaughter, taking a hot shower before bed can assist open nasal passages. Keep a bottle of saltwater rinse in the shower as well. “Rinse it out your nose with it when you’re showering to help free up passageways,” Slaughter suggests.


A neti pot could rinse the nasal passages with a saltwater solution.

Nasal strips may also be used to elevate and open nasal passageways if the problem is in your nose rather than the soft palate.

Replace Your Pillows.

Snoring may be exacerbated by allergens in your bedroom and pillow. When was the last time you dusted the ceiling fan? Should you replace your pillows?

Dust mites can build in pillows and create allergic reactions, resulting in snoring. In addition, allowing pets to sleep on the bed exposes you to animal dander, another common irritation.

“If you feel OK throughout the day but obstructed at night,” Slaughter explains, “these items may be contributing to your snoring.”

To keep dust mites and allergens at bay, put your pillows through an air fluff cycle every couple of weeks and replace them every six months. Also, keep pets away from the bedroom.

Chokroverty advises caution before investing in specialized snoring pillows. “They may work if you prop your head up, which fixes nasal difficulties, but they also create neck pain.”

Maintain proper hydration.

Consume plenty of fluids. “When you’re dehydrated, the secretions in your nose and soft palate get stickier,” Slaughter explains. “This may result in greater snoring.” According to the Institute of Medicine, healthy women should consume approximately 11 cups of total water (from all liquids and food) per day, while males should consume approximately 16 cups.

Slaughter recommends getting enough sleep, sleeping on your side, avoiding alcohol before bedtime, and taking a hot shower if your nasal passages are congested. “These easy practices can have a significant impact on minimizing snoring.”