Learn 15 Ways to Relieve Back Pain

Adopt a Practical Approach

Massage may assist with chronic back pain, according to some research. According to one study, people with persistent back pain who received a massage once a week for 10 weeks saw less pain and increased functioning. These advantages lasted around 6 months before fading after roughly a year.


Spinal manipulation is another option. When performed by a licensed specialist (chiropractor), this can assist in alleviating any structural abnormalities with the spine and restore any lost mobility.

Stimulation of Nerves

There is some evidence that nerve stimulation can help reduce persistent back pain. If conservative treatment fails to relieve your back pain, your doctor may explore incorporating acupuncture into your treatment plan.

A TENS machine, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, may also be recommended by your doctor. This is a method of suppressing pain signals by delivering moderate electrical pulses to your nerves.

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

While seeing a therapist/psychologist for back pain may seem unusual, studies have shown that cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, effectively reduces persistent back pain in both the short and long term. CBT, for example, can assist individuals with back pain and improve their attitudes about physical exercise, making them more active. Some people who have received CBT report a significant reduction in their pain and disability.



Biofeedback is a technique in which patients are connected to a machine that trains the brain to control pain response. It teaches you how to keep your breathing, muscle tension, blood flow, and heart rate in check. According to some studies, this technique is superior to medication for relieving back pain, and tests have indicated that it reduces pain intensity by around 30%. The best aspect is that there are no side effects to be concerned about, unlike pharmaceuticals.

Injections into the spine

If nothing else seems to be working to relieve your back pain, your doctor may suggest that you try spinal injections. A physician who specializes in pain management may offer one of the numerous choices. A corticosteroid, for example, may lessen the inflammation that is causing the pain.

Depending on the type of injection, your doctor may restrict the number of doses you can have in a year to avoid potential side effects. If nothing else works, your doctor may advise you to have back surgery.

Because of the hazards inherent in surgery, this should always be a last resort. But, if you have a bulging disc that is putting pressure on a nerve, your doctor may recommend a discectomy. If you have a compressed disc, your doctor may advise you to have a laminectomy to relieve the pressure. If you require assistance in stabilizing your spine, a spinal fusion may be considered.


Back discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors, including a persistent disease or an intense workout. There are numerous ways to manage back pain, and we have detailed 15 options for back pain relief.