Depression Counseling: Treatment Options and Where to Find Help    

How to find treatment near you

Making an appointment with your general practitioner is the first step in obtaining treatment for depression. They may be able to recommend doctors in your region. If you are religious, ask your spiritual leader for recommendations on counselors.


Some people choose faith-based counseling, in which their religion is included in a treatment plan. You can also search for therapists, psychiatrists, and counselors in healthcare databases. Certifications recognized by insurance providers and reviews given by others can all be found in these databases.

You can begin with the following databases:

  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America
  • Psychology Today

How to find the right treatment

One of the most crucial things you can do is stick to your treatment plan. It’s easy to become disheartened during the first few weeks of treatment and decide you don’t want to continue.

All methods of treatment can take several months before you see results. It can sometimes feel like you’re doing considerably better, leading you to discontinue medication entirely. Never discontinue treatment without first consulting your doctor.


You should feel at ease speaking with your therapist. If you don’t, try a different one. You may need to consult numerous therapists before finding the best one for you. It would help if you also discussed your feelings about your therapy sessions and treatment plan with your therapist.

This enables them to collaborate with you and adjust if your treatment plan isn’t working. Finding the proper treatment is frequently a process of trial and error. If one doesn’t work, it’s time to try another.
If you’ve been on treatment for two or more months and haven’t felt any alleviation from your depression. Within three months of starting medicine, you should feel better. Consult your doctor immediately if your:

• depression does not improve after many months of medication;
• symptoms improve, but you still don’t feel like yourself, or
• symptoms worsen.

These are indications that your treatment plan isn’t functioning.

The bottom line

Depression can be one of life’s most challenging obstacles. However, numerous effective treatments are available to help you manage your depression symptoms. Your treatment approach may include a combination of medicine, counseling, and complementary therapies, depending on the severity of your symptoms. Consult with your doctor to determine the best option for you.