Couple therapy is not the same as solo therapy.

Individual therapy is typically focused only on you, your needs, and how you might develop, whereas couples therapy is focused on both you and your partner. This type of mental health treatment teaches you and your partner about yourselves and each other and how to build your relationship. Couples therapy can assist even the most affluent couples; this therapy is not limited to couples in distress.
Even selecting a counselor jointly necessitates some collaboration. So, here are some pointers to help you get started with couple therapy.
What You Should Know About Couples Therapy
It’s always crucial to be as attentive as possible while embarking on a new adventure. Facts and information matter and can help you avoid feeling too anxious, nervous, or uncertain. This holds regardless of the type of therapy you pick. As a result, remembering the following advice will help you begin couple therapy with the best possibility of healing or improving your marriage.
It is not the counselor’s responsibility to save your marriage.
You do not seek the services of a marriage counselor to repair your relationship. That isn’t their job. Their job is to coach you through the process of repairing your marriage. As a result, you must make an effort to implement their ideas and strengthen your marriage.
You’re going to question, of course, “What about my companion? Shouldn’t they be putting forth the effort as well?” They should, of course. Unfortunately, however, you have no control over what your companion does. The only person whose actions you can influence is yourself. And someone has to be the first to take the first steps.
Unfortunately, a prevalent assumption among many who attend couple therapy is that the counselor is responsible for saving the marriage. As previously said, your counselor’s role is to guide you. This means that they may monitor your problem, provide comments, and make suggestions and potential remedies. You and your partner must be willing to work on your marriage and be open to feedback. It is frequently easier stated than done. In relationship therapy, both parties may get feedback that they do not necessarily like or agree with. Listening to the counselor and swallowing sentiments of anger or resentment are important at moments like these.
The majority of the work is completed outside of sessions.
Don’t expect to walk out of a few therapy sessions with your relationship suddenly improved. Marriage counseling might help you find your way. However, you must then leave the session and put the advice into action. The work you and your partner, put in outside of sessions determines how well your marriage will fare in the future.
It’s simple to complete the work when you and your partner are in the same room as your therapist. Doing the work when you’re at home, frustrated with each other, and have just had a rough day is something altogether else. This is often easier said than done in many circumstances. However, this is the time when getting the job done is most crucial. Remember that it is up to you and your partner to repair and sustain your relationship, not your therapist. This indicates that you must do the task even if it is not the easiest or most comfortable thing in the world. Push yourself now, and you will reap the benefits afterward.
It only works if both of you want it to.
Couple counseling may be difficult for you or your partner. That’s understandable. But, at the very least, both of you must want the marriage to work for treatment to be effective. The reason you want it to function, on the other hand, does not have to be the same.
People may want to marry for a variety of reasons at any given time. You may wish to keep your marriage for family or child-rearing reasons, for the shared financial life you’ve made together because you still love this person, or for any combination of these or other reasons. The reason you or your partner desire to keep the marriage together after entering counseling may be different from the reason you got married in the first place. And that’s fine.
Another important aspect of couple therapy to remember is that both you and your spouse must not just want to save your relationship, but you must also want it as badly as the other. Things are unlikely to work out if you are entirely dedicated, but your partner is only somewhat committed (or vice versa). Some relationships can and should be saved, while others cannot. The success or failure of your relationship will be determined by whether or not you and your significant other are equally and completely devoted to each other and improving your union.
As long as there is some drive to improve this connection, there is a chance that your reasons for wanting to be together and your affections for each other will eventually match.
Don’t Procrastinate Too Long.
Many couples seek counseling for too long, and the initial difficulties or complaints have multiplied. The couples’ chasm has grown too wide, making things more difficult than they need to be.
Many couples don’t realize it, but putting off dealing with some issues can spell the end of a relationship. When problems go unaddressed, they tend to rot and become worse than they were before. For example, negative emotions went unresolved and laid dormant, only to erupt at a later moment. The damage has most certainly already been done by this point. You and your partner may be surprised that you need to take this step, but in the long run, you will be grateful that you acted proactively rather than waiting for things to worsen.