Learn Top 25 Cloud Computing Security Issues

Cloud computing raises a slew of new security concerns and obstacles. Data is kept in the cloud with a third-party supplier and accessed via the internet. As a result, visibility and control over that data are restricted. It also begs the question of how it can be adequately guarded.

Cloud Computing Security

Everyone must know their responsibilities and the security risks associated with cloud computing. Cloud service providers view cloud security concerns and dangers as a collaborative effort. In this paradigm, the cloud service provider is responsible for the security of the cloud itself, but the client is responsible for protecting what they put in it.

The cloud computing user is always responsible for securing their data from security threats and limiting access to it in every cloud service, from software-as-a-service (SaaS) like Microsoft Office 365 to infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) like Amazon Web Services (AWS). The majority of cloud computing security threats are associated with cloud data security.

Whether it’s a lack of visibility into data, an inability to regulate data, or data theft, most problems stem from the data clients save in the cloud. Read on to examine the top cloud security issues across SaaS, IaaS, and private cloud, ranked by how frequently they are encountered by enterprise enterprises worldwide.

Top 10 Cloud SaaS Security Issues

  1. Inadequate visibility into the data contained within cloud apps
  2. Data theft from a cloud application by a hostile actor
  3. Inadequate control over who has access to critical information
  4. Inability to track data as it travels to and from cloud applications
  5. Provisioning of cloud applications outside of IT visibility (e.g., shadow IT)
  6. a scarcity of personnel with the necessary expertise to manage cloud application security
  7. Inability to avoid hostile insider data theft or misuse
  8. Advanced threats and attacks on the cloud application provider
  9. Inability to evaluate the security of cloud application provider operations
  10. Inability to comply with regulatory requirements

Because most shared security responsibility models put data and access as the exclusive responsibility of SaaS customers, SaaS cloud security challenges naturally revolve around those two. Any organization must understand what data they place in the cloud, who may access it, and what level of security they (and the cloud provider) have implemented.


It is also critical to assess the SaaS provider’s function as a potential entry point to the organization’s data and processes. Attackers appreciate the significance of software and cloud providers as a route to attack more significant assets, as evidenced by the growth of XcodeGhost and GoldenEye ransomware. As a result, attackers’ attention has shifted to this possible vulnerability. Examine your cloud provider’s security programs to protect your firm and its data. Set the expectation for consistent third-party audits with shared reports, and insist on breach reporting requirements to supplement technological solutions.