There is no doubt that when a family is healthy and happy, everything appears to be in order in the world. So likewise, fathers’ greatest delights are found inside the constraints of a solid and healthy family bond.

However, not all families are always stable, healthy, and happy. The stresses of modern life, the desire for a better work-life balance, a family crisis of some type, or mental health issues for one or more family members can all bring a family to its knees at any time.
Children with disabilities, financial difficulties, behavioral challenges, and simply the ages and stages of different children can all cause challenges that may necessitate some assistance in resolving.
Many families are naturally resilient to many of these issues. However, even the best of families may sense the need for assistance beyond the family’s means.
Deciding if marriage and family counseling is appropriate for a family can be difficult. While it may appear to be an admission of defeat or failure at first, choosing family counseling can be a significant step forward. Consider family counseling to be an addition to your family’s relationship toolbox. You can discover new methods to communicate, solve problems, punish one another, and relate to one another.
When to Seek Assistance
If your family is exhibiting one or more of these signs, it may be time to seek the help of a trained professional marriage and family therapist.
- Family members are having problems working normally. Do you notice an “energy drain” in your household? Things that were once usual and normal have become burdensome?
- Family members frequently exhibit severe emotional reactions. For example, do your family members display excessive rage, fear, melancholy, depression, or other emotional responses?
- There is a serious breakdown in communication among family members. Do you find it more difficult to communicate than usual? Are you getting the “silent treatment” more frequently than usual?
- Family members are distancing themselves from family life. Is it becoming increasingly common for one or more family members to retreat into seclusion?
- There are signs of violence or the danger of violence towards oneself or others in one’s family. Do you believe that violence is a problem outside of typical “horseplay”? Is there any activity that would not be called “assault” if it occurred between family members?
- Members of the family exhibit feelings of powerlessness or hopelessness. Do you believe you’ve come to the end of your rope? Is it simply too difficult to deal with the stresses of life? Do you ever question if your family would ever be able to recover?
- Changes in children’s behavior have occurred at home or school. Are your grades plummeting? What about issues with attendance or disruptive behavior at school? Is one of the kids misbehaving at home?
- The family has been through a horrible experience, and individuals struggle to cope. Is there a death in your family? A divorce or legal separation? Has an affair been discovered? Is the family struggling to adjust to the new reality?
- Family members are struggling with substance misuse. Is there a problem with alcohol or drug use? Is there a member of your family who suffers from an eating disorder?