Learn How To Choose the Right Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle riders in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia are represented by the Motorcycle Law Group. Except for Virginia, all of these states require motorcyclists to have minimum insurance coverage. 

Although motorcycle insurance is not legally required in Virginia, motorcyclists who do not obtain it are assessed a $500 opt-out cost when renewing their registration. It should be noted that annual minimum coverage premiums are unlikely to be significantly higher than the fee.

The Virginia charge entitles you to no insurance coverage at all. If you are involved in a motorbike accident, you may not receive compensation for your bike’s damage or injuries and may be compelled to pay for the damage you cause out of pocket.

Most states need a certain level of coverage.

The states we serve need minimum bodily injury coverage ranging from $20,000 to $30,000 per person, $40,000 to $60,000 per accident, and $10,000 to $25,000 in property damage coverage.

Check out our infographic for additional information on the specific coverage restrictions in your state.

Motorcycle Collision Insurance

It’s critical to remember that the bare minimum of property damage coverage is meant to be used on your behalf if you cause an accident that destroys someone else’s property. It is not meant to cover repairs to your own bike.

Collision coverage will pay for your own repairs if your bike is damaged in a collision with a car or if you collide with a stationary object such as a tree, lamp post, or fence.

Complete Protection

Motorcycles face more dangers than just collisions. If your bike is stolen, vandalized, or damaged in a natural disaster such as a fire or flooding, comprehensive coverage will pay for repairs or replacement.

Because life is full of unanticipated events, you should seriously consider comprehensive insurance if you want your insurance to cover as many potential hazards as possible.