Learn 8 Air Travel Tips and Tricks for Seniors

Flying is frequently the quickest and most convenient mode of transportation, but it can also be stressful and confusing. Here are a few things you can do to make the experience more enjoyable:

Senior Air Travel

1. Inquire about elder discounts.

Some airlines provide discounted prices for older persons, albeit they may not be frequently advertised. For example, Delta offers a senior discount in some regions, but it is not available online; you must phone the bookings department to obtain it.

On specific routes, United Airlines offers discounted senior prices. However, you may need to contact to see what’s available (and make sure it’s cheaper than the standard adult fee).

Southwest Airlines, for example, offers a senior discount in the form of reduced Anytime tickets for individuals over 65. These senior fares are refundable and can be reserved online or over the phone.

2. If feasible, check-in online.

Most airlines enable you to check in for your flight 24 hours in advance via their websites or mobile apps. Usually, checking in online rather than at the airport is preferable. Some low-cost carriers, such as Spirit, impose a price to check in at the airport.

Furthermore, checking in from your computer or phone saves you time at the airport. If you only have carry-on luggage, you can skip the ticket office and proceed straight through security to your departure gate.

(However, if you need a wheelchair or other airline personnel help, you may need to check in at the airport counter.) One of the most significant benefits of checking in online is the ability to select your seat.

To take full advantage of this, you should arrive for your trip early. This is because the earlier you check-in, the more seats you will have to choose from. So, if you want to sit towards the front of the plane or avoid the middle seat, check-in online as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that Southwest Airlines operates uniquely. Rather than assigning specific seats, it gives boarding positions. You will be assigned to an A, B, or C zone, with a number between 1 and 60, depending on the fare you purchase and when you check in (where A1 gets on first and C60 gets on last).

Your position in the line dictates when you board; once on the plane, you can take any available seat. So, on Southwest, arriving earlier does not guarantee you a specific seat, but it does guarantee you a better boarding position.