Learn 5 Tips for Getting Your Drug Addicted Teen Into Rehab

If your adolescent is addicted to drugs, you are probably at a loss for words, desperately hoping that the addiction can be treated and that your child can begin to live a new life, free of addiction and moving forward in health.

Teen Rehab

Take care of yourself while attempting to assist your child.

As a parent of a drug-addicted child, you will undoubtedly experience stress and a wide range of intense emotions ranging from sadness to fear to anger. Self-care will help you support your child as they transition from addiction to recovery.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has published advice for parents whose family has been rocked by a teen’s drug addiction, advising you to ask for help, accept offers of help, join a support group, and engage in fun activities with people you care about.

You’ve decided that your child will benefit from drug or alcohol rehab, but how do you get them into an excellent program? Here are five pointers to keep in mind as you proceed:

1. But I don’t need rehab.

One of your goals will be to assist your child in understanding that they will benefit from rehab; that they require assistance in dealing with the psychological, physical, and social aspects of addiction.

Your adolescent may disagree that they would benefit from rehab:

They may tell you about their friends and how they use drugs, but their parents have not asked them to consider treatment in a rehab facility.

How can you assist them in realizing that their addiction is unique to them?

Discuss how some of us are genetically predisposed to addiction more than others and how people addicted to drugs require professional help to overcome their addiction. Enlist the assistance of others: could a trusted family member who has struggled with addiction and is in recovery speak to your adolescent?

Alternatively, a trusted family doctor familiar with your adolescent’s addiction and how alcohol or drug rehab is the best option for dealing with the situation could speak with them about their addiction and how alcohol or drug rehab is the best option for dealing with the situation.

2. Rehabilitation is terrifying. Please don’t force me to go.

Teenagers may perceive rehab as a prison; they may be concerned about leaving their friends behind and being alone. Or maybe they want to be at home with you.

Be patient with your adolescent if they express negative feelings about rehab, and assist them in learning more about the rehab facility you have chosen. Ask your adolescent specifically why they have negative perceptions of rehab and try to counteract their fantasies with positive facts.