Autoimmune system reaction
In rare situations, the immune system misinterprets the liver and assaults it. This creates persistent inflammation, which can range from moderate to severe, and frequently impairs liver function. It affects women three times more than males.
Hepatitis symptoms that are common
If you have a chronic form of hepatitis, such as hepatitis B or C, you may not have symptoms until the damage impacts liver function. People with acute hepatitis, on the other hand, may exhibit symptoms soon after receiving a hepatitis virus.
Infectious hepatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:
- flu-like symptoms weariness
- stomach ache, pale stool, and dark urine
- Weight loss that is unexplained due to a loss of appetite
- Jaundice can be identified by yellow skin and eyes.
- How is Hepatitis Diagnosed?
- It is critical to understand what causes hepatitis in order to properly treat it. Doctors will perform a battery of tests to accurately identify your problem.
History and physical examination
Your doctor will first take your history to establish any risk factors you may have before diagnosing any type of hepatitis.
During a physical exam, your doctor may gently press down on your abdomen to examine if there is any pain or tenderness. Your doctor may also look for liver swelling and yellow discoloration in your eyes or skin.
Tests for liver function
Blood samples are used in liver function tests to measure how efficiently your liver works.
Abnormal findings from these tests may be the first warning of a problem, especially if you don’t show any signs of liver disease on a physical exam. High levels of liver enzymes may suggest that your liver is strained, damaged, or not operating properly.
Additional blood tests
If your liver function tests are abnormal, your doctor will most likely prescribe additional blood tests to determine the cause of the problem.
These tests can tell you if you have infectious hepatitis by looking for hepatitis viruses or antibodies your body generates to fight them.
Blood tests may also be used by doctors to look for evidence of autoimmune hepatitis.
Biopsy of the liver
Doctors will examine your liver for any damage when diagnosing hepatitis.
Reliable Source. A liver biopsy is a process in which a sample of tissue from your liver is taken.
This sample may be taken via your skin with a needle by a medical practitioner, eliminating the need for surgery. During this treatment, they will often use an ultrasound scan for guidance.
This test allows your doctor to identify the extent to which an infection or inflammation has impacted your liver.
An abdominal ultrasound creates an image of the organs in your belly using ultrasound waves. This test allows your doctor to examine your liver and other adjacent organs in great detail. It is capable of revealing:
You have fluid in your abdomen.
liver damage or expansion liver tumors gallbladder abnormalities
The pancreas can sometimes be seen on ultrasound pictures as well. This test can help you figure out what’s causing your abnormal liver function.